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This pleasant and easy walk leads to the "Spring of Chiardovo" from which cold, mineral, sulphurous-bicarbonate water with a characteristic egg-smell flows.

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This "Path of the Gnomes" is marked with coloured signposting and begins at the public park in Bagno di Romagna, in Via Lungosavio. Once over the bridge on the Savio river you will find yourself immediately immersed in the fantasy world of the woods: you climb through the lush vegetation amidst rocks and boulders along the Armina stream.

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The park covers 10,000 m2 of flat land located between Via Lungosavio and the Savio river. The park in the upper section was created in 1925 and many species were planted (plane trees, linden trees, fir) that today provide shade for the park's paths. Benches and tables are available throughout the area.

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The "Garden of aromas" was created near the tourist centre of Valbonella on the slopes of Mount Comero for educational purposes. In keeping with the special nature of the centre that offers traditional natural foods, the herb-garden is devoted above all to herbs used in cooking, in aromatherapy, in liqueurs or products for health and beauty.

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Percorso immerso nella natura, non solo per contemplarne la bellezza, ma anche per trarne beneficio.

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