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Ristorante Azienda Agrituristica Incisa - ristoranti

Incisa Holiday Farm

The farm Incisa, place the foothills of Mount Comero (850 m asl), is at the center of a farm of 350 acres of land to address livestock and fodder, where you can practice the outdoor rearing of cattle, sheep, pigs and farmyard animals, and crops for organic agriculture. The restaurant serves classic Tuscan-Romagna cuisine, based pasta dishes using organic flour hand-milled wheat corporate and local products, the main courses come from the meat processing business.

Hours and Opening

  • Working day: Open from 12.00 to 24.00.
  • Public holiday: Open from 12.00 to 24.00.


-Cover places: 100
-Outdoor covers: 40
-Rooms available: 3



Via Incisa, 233 - 47021 Bagno di Romagna (FC)


Telephone: 0039 0543 910516 - 0039 0543 903053 - Fax: 0039 0543 905507 -

Getting here

By car from Bagno di Romagna to San Piero in Bagno, turn right following the signs for SP43 Alfero. Engraved is a few kilometers before the pass, on the left, at the end of a dirt road.

Tue, 28 May 2024 08:45:13 +0000