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Natività con Santi e angeli del Maestro del Tondo Borghese, (XV sec.), a Bagno di Romagna

Nativity with Saints and Angels by Maestro del Tondo Borghese (15th century), in Bagno di Romagna

This crowded painting, oil on canvas, depicting the "Nativity with Saints and Angels" is on the second altar on the right of the Basilica in Bagno di Romagna. It was painted in around 1490 by a Florentine pupil of Domenico del Ghirlandaio, called "Maestro del Tondo Borghese" after one of his paintings of the Nativity in the Galleria Borghese in Rome. The artist is of secondary importance, but pleasant and the layout of his work recalls in a plainer style the famous "Adoration of the Shepherds" by Ghirlandaio. Together with the Madonna and Child appear Mary Magdalene, Saints Bartholomew, Francis and Catherine. The painting, on six poplar wood planks nailed onto two crossbars, was restored in 1985.

- Piazza Ricasoli, Basilica di S. Maria Assunta - 47021 Bagno di Romagna (FC)
Getting here

It is housed in the Basilica di S. Maria Assunta, in Piazza Ricasoli.

Sun, 20 Feb 2022 11:38:20 +0000