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Monumento ai Caduti di Selvapiana

Monumento ai Caduti di Selvapiana

On the side of the church of S. Quirico, along the road that crosses Selvapiana, it has the shape of a small temple, supported by 4 columns of bricks and closed by iron gates; a terracotta depicting the Redeemer, by the Tuscan artist Decimo Passani (1884-1952), a plaque shows the names of the 31 fallen of Selvapiana in the First World War and the inscription: "1915-1918 / SCRIPTURES ON THIS MARBLE / AND IN HEART OF ALL OF US / THE POPULARS OF SELVAPIANA / ARE THE NAMES OF OUR CARA / DEATH FOR THE GREATNESS OF THE PATRIA / PEACE AND GLORIA AT THE HERO / SELVAPIANA, SEPTEMBER 1924 ". The 17 fallen of the 1940-1945 war are reported in another sandstone tablet.

The monument - restored in 1999 by Moreno Mosconi - was designed and built by Don Adamo Fatti, parish priest from 1918 to 1951, inaugurated on 7 September 1924 during the celebrations of the fifth centenary of the admirable translation of the "Blessed Virgin of Tears". ", during which the chapel of the castle was inaugurated and the arrival of the light in Selvapiana was celebrated.

Getting here

BY CAR: From Bagno di Romagna follow the SP. 138 towards S. Piero in Bagno, and after roughly 2 km you cross the bridge on the right over the Savio river and follow the SP. 43 up to Acquapartita (7 km). Here you turn left on the SP.123 that leads 3 km down to Selvapiana. BY BUS: From Bagno di Romagna take the 218 bus operated by the START Romagna bus service for Acquapartita. (13 km trip from Bagno di Romagna).

Sun, 12 Jul 2020 08:39:50 +0000