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Lapide ai Caduti delle stragi naziste a S. Piero in Bagno

Plaque to the Victims of the Nazi massacres in S. Piero in Bagno

Placed on the façade of the Town hall of S. Piero in Bagno, at No. 1 Piazza Martiri. This marble plaque is affixed with bronze studs and reads: "VOI, FASCISTI E NAZISTI, METTENDO A FERRO E FUOCO, QUESTE CONTRADE, CREDESTE SINONIMI, FORZA E DIRITTO. NOI, MORTI DEL CARNAIO, COL PETTO INFRANTO DAL VOSTRO PIOMBO, COLLE CARNI RIARSE DAI VOSTRI ROGHI, ELEVIAMO, ACCANTO ALLE CROCI DEI PARTIGIANI NOSTRI, L'INNO ALLA LIBERTA', E ALLA PACIFICA CONVIVENZA DEI POPOLI. S. PIERO IN BAGNO 25 LUGLIO 1954. NEL DECENNALE DELLA RESISTENZA, LA CITTADINANZA POSE A RICORDO" (You, Fascists and Nazis that by ravaging and destroying this district believed that violence and right had the same meaning; while, we, victims of the massacre with our chests split by your bullets and our flesh burnt in your fires, have raised an anthem to the liberty and peaceful coexistence of peoples beside the crosses erected to our partisans. S. Piero in Bagno 25 July 1954. Placed by the town's citizens to mark the tenth anniversary of the Resistance). It was put up to commemorate both the 27 civilians slaughtered in retaliation on 25 July 1944 on the Carnaio hill by retreating Nazis and the partisans killed while fighting in the Resistance.

Getting here

It is placed on the facade of the Town Hall in the center of San Piero in Bagno

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 09:25:47 +0000