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Anello 2

Lungo le mulattiere di Pietrapazza e Rio Petroso

It is an itinerary full of suggestions and panoramas a journey into the memory of a place - the high valley of Bidente di Pietrapazza and the vallecola of Rio Salso that man has abandoned for some time but where there are still signs of his fatigue that has domesticated the valley and its river.
In S. Piero in Bagno you reach Via Verdi that from Piazza Allende reaches the nineteenth-century stone bridge on the Fosso di Paganico. Go over it and take the mule track on the left that goes up the side of the municipal road, for long stretches of asphalt, which leads to the fraction of Paganico and Rio Salso. In short you reach the inhabited farms of Raggio di Sotto and Raggio di Sopra, where the mule track is crossed by the road that climbs from S. Piero. We follow the municipal on the left and - ignoring then the detour that on the left leads to Paganico - we follow it, passing in front of the inhabited farm Vetrice and the house of Fontabate, near Montepiano. Once you reach a large open space, take a long dirt road on the left, closed by a bar: keeping the ridge and ignoring the deviations on the left, this leads to Monte Castelluccio and Ripa del Toro, where a wonderful view opens up on the bathroom; then followed by circumventing Monte Carpano and shortly thereafter, narrowing, it enters the "Mulattiera di Pietrapazza" which leads from Bagno to the "small" Bidente valley. After a few dozen meters on the right, the mule track emerges on the Passo di Monte Carpano, crossing the forest trail that comes from the SS.71 Passo Mandrioli (on the left) and goes down to Pietrapazza. We follow this dirt road on the right, which with many turns turns up to where the river and the valley conform, to emerge to the side of the abandoned church of S. Eufemia in Pietrapazza. Here, carefully passed a bar, we continue to descend along the track. In the first part the valley is recessed, narrow, austere; the dirt runs on the right bank of the Bidente, runs along it and follows in every loop discovering side valleys, ruins of houses, beautiful stretches of river, mills, houses. Then, where the valley opens and widens, you are at Pian del Ponte: here, a stone bridge crosses the Bidente with an arch and leads to Strabatenza, as well as a dirt track that, just below, branches off onto the left to reach Casanova dell'Alpe, on the ridge that divides this valley from that of Ridracoli. We instead continue the course of the Bidente to Poggio alla Lastra. When you reach the Poggetto nucleus, follow the signs b / r of path 217 on the right and, descending, cross the Bidente with a stone bridge and then follow the mule track, straight and well paved, which goes up towards the falling nucleus of Ca ' Morelli, on a plateau. It continues to rise on a mule track towards the ruins of Rocchetta, and then bypass the Monte delle Petrose. Going along a slight ridge, we now go towards what remains of the Church of S. Biagio di Rio Petroso, indicated by cypresses; and then, after passing the small cemetery, we climb towards the ridge where the mule track leads to a dirt road. On the left, this soon reaches the Passo del Carnaio, that is along the SP. 26 that from S. Piero in Bagno leads to Val Bidente and to Forlì: instead we take it on the right following the b / r signs of the "Val di Bagno Trek" to reach Monte Frullo and then Monte Piano. At the square we go down to S. Piero in Bagno.


ROUTE: S. Piero in Bagno (463) - Monte Piano (1049) - Monte Castelluccio (1115) - Monte Càrpano (1131) - Pietrapazza (801) - Ca 'di Veroli (654) - Poggetto (517) - Rio Petroso ( 618) - Monte Salvetti (837) - Monte Frullo (978) - Monte Piano (1049) - S. Piero in Bagno. LENGTH: 35 km / WATER: Pietrapazza, Ca 'di Veroli, Ca' Morelli / SBARRE: Piazzale di Monte Piano, Pietrapazza.

Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:50:44 +0000