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The small town lays beside the small stream of Larciano, which is a right hand side affluent of Savio. The church, first documented in 1229 and twice destroyed by earthquakes in 1784 and 1918, was reconsecrated in 1923: it has got a nave with three altars and it has been ruled by the Franciscan Friars from San Piero since 1959. From the church square a road brings to the former town, still inhabited, where ruins of the former castle, documented in 1216 and 1371, are still present. The architecture is homogeneous due to the steady use of the sandstone. A few steps beyond there is the "Chapel of the Crucifix", built by the effort of the locals believers that still worship an image of the Crucifix frescoed on the altar, which was heavily repainted in modern times.

Other info
Habitants: 21 - Altitude: 555 s.l.m.
Getting here
BY CAR: From Bagno di Romagna follow the SP. 138 towards S. Piero in Bagno, and after roughly 2 km you cross the bridge over the Savio river on the right. Immediately take a right into Via Leonardo da Vinci until you reach the pillars supporting the E45 and then follow a paved road for about 1 km through a narrow valley until you reach the churchyard. (Total distance roughly 3 km from Bagno di Romagna).
Fri, 09 Jun 2017 14:48:04 +0000

Bagno di Romagna è protagonista della puntata di "Borghi d'Italia" andata in onda in marzo 2020 su TV2000: in attesa di conoscere le eccellenze del nostro territorio dal vivo, vi invitiamo a scoprirle in questo tour virtuale di 28 minuti...

Mettetevi comodi e buona visione!