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Lapide alla Madonna del Sangue a Bagno di Romagna

Lapide alla Madonna del Sangue a Bagno di Romagna

It is located in Bagno di Romagna, in Via Fiorentina on the facade of the civic n ° 7. It is small and bears the following inscription: "IN THIS HOUSE, VERSANDO VIVO SANGUE, MARIA, I MANIFESTO ', QUEEN OF PEACE, AT 21 JANUARY 1498 ". Next to it is the profile of the "Madonna del sangue". It was placed in 1808 to commemorate the house where on 20 January 1498 a woodcut depicting the Madonna poured blood because of the great discords that tore the inhabitants of Bagno. In this house in 1607 an oratory was erected, transferred in 1620 inside the Basilica where the miraculous image (a XV century woodcut), called "Madonna del sangue", is kept in a special chapel.

Getting here
E' in centro, lungo via Fiorentina.
Sun, 05 Jul 2020 15:18:17 +0000