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Lapide al Granduca Leopoldo II a Bagno di Romagna

Plaque for the Grand Duke Leopold II in Bagno di Romagna

It is located on the façade of Palazzo Salvetti at No. 18, Via Fiorentina. This rectangular plaque reads: "LEOPOLDO II / NOSTRO AMATISSIMO PRINCIPE / NEL SUO AVVENTO FAU[STO] FEL[ICE] / ALLE TERME DI S. AGNESE / IL XXX SETT[EMBRE] MDCCCXXXQUATTRO / PERNOTTATO IN QUESTA CASA / LA BEO' CON INVIDIABILE ONORE / DI SUA REGIA AFFABILITA' / E ANTONIO SALVETTI / A CONSERVAR MEMORIA DI TANTA VENTURA, Q. LAP. P." (To our most beloved Prince, Leopold II, for his most happy and fortunate visit to the Spa of St. Agnes on 30 September 1834 and the honour done to this house during his stay with his regal kindness. Antonio Salvetti here commemorates this great occasion). The plaque was erected by Salvetti to commemorate the honour of hosting Leopold II of Habsburg Lorraine, the Grand Duke of Tuscany, in this house during his visit to the area of Bagno di Romagna.

Getting here

It is placed on the façade of Palazzo Salvetti, at 18, Via Fiorentina

Sun, 05 Jul 2020 15:15:15 +0000