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Lapide a Giuseppe Garibaldi a S. Piero in Bagno / teatro

Plaque to Giuseppe Garibaldi on the façade of the Theatre in S. Piero in Bagno

This plaque is on the front of the Garibaldi Theatre in Via Cavour. The rectangular marble plaque is affixed with four metal studs and reads: "INESTINGUIBILE AMORE DI POPOLO / VOLLE CHE / GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI / QUI / RICORDATO FOSSE / NEL PRIMO CENTENARIO DEL SUO NATALE / AUSPICE / LA SOCIETA' OPERAIA DI S. PIERO IN CORZANO" (The undying love of the people desired that Giuseppe Garibaldi should be remembered on the first centenary of his birth. The Società Operaia of S. Piero in Corzano). The plaque was made by the firm "Luigi Castellucci & figli" of Arezzo and put up in 1907 by the Società Operaia of S. Piero in Bagno on the centenary of the birth of Garibaldi, who was an honorary member of the society, on the theatre which had been purchased and renovated by this Society in 1900 as a focal point for community life.

Getting here

It is located in Via Cavour, in the center of San Piero in Bagno.

Fri, 03 Jul 2020 15:38:54 +0000