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Palazzo Giovannetti a Ridracoli

Giovannetti Palace in Ridracoli

The Giovanetti manor has a long tradition of hospitality: a memorial plaque tells that among its guests there were the Grand Duke Leopold II, Aurelio Saffi and Antonio Fratti.
In 1816 Michele Giovannetti, landowner, bought the 18th century “palace with ten rooms and overstages, arcades and its land” and its nearby oratory of “Santa Maria della Neve”. At the end of the 19th century, the family also owned the farm below, situated by the bridge on the Bidente of Ridracoli, and the nearby mill “Mulino di sotto”.
Abandoned in the 60s, the manor, the land and the farmhouse were bought by Romagna Acque spa (the Regional Water Consortium) in 1980.
Nowadays the building complex, situated on a hillock between cypresses and firs, has become the hotel “Il Palazzo”. This joins past and present, the charm of a Tuscan manor with that of the “Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna” and of the nearby Ridracoli artificial basin.

Ridracoli - Via Ridracoli, 11, Fraz. Ridracoli - 47021 Bagno di Romagna (FC)
Telephone: 0039 0543 917570 -
Referent: Hotel "Il Palazzo"
Getting here

BY CAR: from S. Piero in Bagno take the SP. 26 road and when you reach Santa Sofia (15 km) after crossing the Carnaio Pass continue on the SP. 4 road to Isola (4 km) where you turn left onto the SP. 112 reaching the Bridge at Ridracoli after 13 km. From Forlì and Stia-Pratovecchio: take the SP. 4 road (previously SS. 310 Bidentina), turn at Isola (km 47.5) onto the SP. 112 road which takes you to Ridracoli.

Hours and rates
  • Opening
    Open all year
Sun, 28 Jun 2020 14:28:23 +0000