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Scopri il territorio 14/03/17
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Stabilimento termale Euroterme

Stabilimento termale Euroterme

The Spa operates within the National Health Service, INPS ( National Institute of Social Insurance), Dopo-Lavoro, CRAL aziendali (Recreational Clubs organized by National Assistance Board), Enasarco, etc. The Spa is directly linked to the Hotel and Health and Beauty Centre. Indoor and outdoor spa-water swimming pool. The thermal waters used for the treatments are three: sulphureous, bicarbonated-alkaline and hyperthermal (45°C) and they are prescribed for chronic arthropathy, renal lithiasis, inflammatory processes, pathologies of the respiratory apparatus, etc…


- Via Lungosavio, 2 - 47021 Bagno di Romagna (FC)


-Telephone: 0039 0543911414 / 0039 800018371
-Fax: 0039 0543911133


Getting here

By car, it is 100 metres from thee historical centre of Bagno di Romagna beyond the river Savio.

Hours and Opening

Open all the year. For the timetables of the individual departments, contact the structure directly.


-Rectal showers
-Mud baths
-Vaginal irrigation
-Thermal pool
-Physical rehabilitation

Tue, 28 May 2024 08:14:34 +0000